NOTE: this site is based on the Italian language. Translations into other languages are purely indicative, being made automatically without intellectual control.
COURSES 2024/2025 | Annual courses for children, adolescents and adults began starting from 16 September 2024 and will end at the end of May 2025. The list of days, times and levels of courses is indicated at this link. To register for courses: Registration forms ESI also organizes individual and small group courses for every need. ESI also offers courses “at a distance” for adults and secondary school students, with modalities to be agreed according to requests. Courses for children 2024/25 are inserted in Project “Italian language training in the Netherlands” as approved and co-financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) con Ministerial Decree 4815/0520 of the 15.05.2024 (Cap. 3153_Approval of rankings 2024), with the flattering 10th position attributed to ESI in the global ranking of project merit assessment established by the MAECI (viewable at this link, in the attachment 1, Extracurricular courses – Initiative 2). |
DON'T SHUT UP | Course “Musilingua - We learn Italian with music ". istockphoto. Read more Even during the school year 24/25 several courses divided into age groups have been established in Den Haag, dai 2.5 to 8 years, as reported in the following prospectus . The program of the individual courses is indicated on the relevant posters ( poster 2,5-4 years – poster 3,5-5 and 4-6 years – poster 6-8 years) Registrations can be made through the normal registration forms, indicating in the choice of class the “Musilingua course”. Registration forms |
COURSES ED EXAMS FOR ITALIAN CERTIFICATION at the headquarters in DEN HAAG | ESI is authorized to carry out CILS exams on behalf of the University of Siena. The next CILS exams for the B1-Citizenship level they will take place THURSDAY’ 13 FEBRUARY 2025 (deadline for registrations: 13 January 2025). More information The next CILS exams for all levels they will take place WEDNESDAY’ 11 JUNE 2025 (registration deadline: 28 April 2025). In case of excessive registration requests, exams for some levels may not be guaranteed. Exams are held only at the ESI headquarters in Den Haag More information ESI also organizes PREPARATION COURSES online exams for Italian Citizenship. More information |
COVID19 – ILLNESSES | In the current school year, for all courses regularly held in-person there are currently no particular restrictive rules. However, it is recommended to follow all precautionary recommendations and procedures indicated by the competent authorities (hygiene, distance, gatherings, parents' access to the classrooms, quarantines, cold or flu symptoms,…). For the rules in case of contagion from Covid: Read more |
TEACHING | The training offer is developed on the three levels of education, of teaching, and the organization, and is aimed at students, to teachers, to families and all personnel involved in the training process. An eclectic approach is used that favors the acquisition of communicative competence through the fundamental moments of listening, of speaking, of reading and writing. Read more |
CLASS PROJECTS | As an integral part of the Italian language and culture learning courses, the students (adults and children) they are encouraged and guided by teachers to develop specific teaching projects, such as projects to facilitate the approach to Italian literature and the analysis of the text, or the ideation and writing of fantastic stories. Go to Projetti |
WORKING FOR ESI | ESI is a Stichting (Non-profit organization) under Dutch law, which organizes Italian language and culture courses throughout the Netherlands. In choosing teachers, we turn to native teachers who have a specific degree and / or experience or certification in teaching Italian LS or L2. Read more |