for L2 / LS Italian teachers in the Netherlands
Between September and November 2024 A remote refresher course is planned, as proposed by ICON Consortium: “Teaching of Italian FL to children and management of the Differentiated Abilities Class“.
In November 2022 ESI teachers participated in a distance course relating to “Specific Learning Disorders – DSA“, proposed by the Institute “Know More”, and intended both to delve deeper into the neuropsychological nature of developmental disorders and to stimulate teachers towards ever new teaching solutions. The course developed over two chapters:
- “Learn about DSA: from diagnosis to emotions” , which addressed the clinical aspects and the emotional impact that this mode of cognitive organization entails, when it is not understood and appropriately accepted by adult educators (family, school, outside school);
- “I 4 DSA. Dyslexia, Dysortography, Dyscalculia and Dysgraphia“, who addressed the scholastic difficulties observable daily in students and how to prepare teaching and moments of testing the knowledge and skills of these students.
The 4 June 2022 ESI brought together all the teachers in Den Haag for a training day on “interactive digital teaching“, with particular reference to the text for the first cycle of elementary school “PLAYGAMES” (Ed. Mondadori). In an atmosphere of great sympathy and collaboration, the training was conducted by the authors of the text themselves, Emanuela Bramati, Laura Bramati, Francesca Locatelli and Simona Locatelli.
Since 15 October to 15 December 2019 land teachers ESI took part in an online training course ICON having as its object the “Methods, tools and environments for teaching Italian with the Web”. This course proved to be fundamental for the continuation of the courses “at a distance” during the subsequent Coronavirus pandemic.
Since 9 October to 4 December 2018 the teachers ESI had participated in an ICON on-line training course concerning the “Teaching Italian to foreigners; error correction”.
The high level of professionalism of the teaching staff of’ESI it is highlighted in particular by the evaluations of the teacher and the tutor ICON:
“It is possible to say that the all interventions, considerations and ideas, they are of a very good standard, accurate and rich, never neglected or rushed. There is a preparation in the teachers, a remarkable awareness and experience, but also an intention continues to update itself, to question practices and theoretical lines, to confront each other, to experiment and reflect starting from solid foundations.
The interventions are unanimously distinguished by an appropriate register and specialized linguistic knowledge, as well as a conscious distinction between what is the norm, use and personal idiosyncrasies, for example, in terms of recurring or 'fashionable' linguistic expressions .
The attitude of each student to contribute with personally listened materials is of no small importance, found, selected etc.. to the activity We build an archive of crazy phrases - beyond the materials proposed and ready for any comments.”
Since 5 up to 7 September 2018 a training seminar organized for the professional updating of teachers was held at the University for Foreigners of Perugia ESI, under the guidance of prof. Daria Coppola:
Seminar-program.pdf (8791 downloads )Multilingualism and learning Italian L2.
The importance of this seminar was emphasized by the University of Perugia in a article disseminated in the press.
The 2 December 2017 took place at the headquarters ESI of Den Haag a training seminar for ESI teachers under the guidance of prof. Paolo Balboni and prof. Fabio Caon of Cà Foscari University in Venice. Subject of the seminar: Italian LS and playful teaching: the pleasure of learning seriously.
Arguments developed:
- Because the pleasure of learning a language effectively. The neuro and psycholinguistic principles;
- From theory to practice: playful teaching in action;
- Not just games: the various declinations of playful teaching;
- Free online materials of playful teaching.
In the days 1-2 November 2008 The seminar was held in Den Haag “Teaching grammar in Italian as a foreign language courses”, conducted by prof. Natale Fioretto of the University for Foreigners of Perugia. The seminar was developed essentially according to the schema indicated by prof. Foil in the volume Italian in Transparency, to which reference should be made for any further information.
During 2007 two separate seminars were organized:
– October 2007: “TEACHING LS ITALIAN TO CHILDREN – DESIGN UNITS’ TEACHING COURSES”, conducted by prof. Piera Margutti of the University for Foreigners of Perugia;
– January 2007: “USE OF THE NETWORK MANUAL!” and “THE MANAGEMENT OF THE MULTICLASSE UNDER THE PROFILE OF INTELLIGENCE”, conducted by dr. Marco Mezzadri, collaborator of the ITALS laboratory of the Cà Foscari University of Venice.
CEDILS certification 2006
30 September 2005 – March 2006, Amsterdam / online
Preparatory course of 20 hours to CEDILS Certification from 30 September to 2 October 2005.
Arguments: the theoretical assumptions of language teaching, analysis of teaching materials, language reflection techniques, testing and evaluation, culture and civilization in the language class
Trainers: dr. Marco Mezzadri, dott.ssa Elisabetta Pavan
Four modules of three weeks each in remote mode were activated for the in-depth study of the topics covered in the course in the presence. These courses have a formative as well as a preparatory value. The purpose of the online training is to accompany the students in the preparation phase for the CEDILS Certification test.
Teaching Ls Italian to children
16 April 2005, Amsterdam
Arguments: Theoretical introduction starting from some hints to acquisitional linguistics (with references to the structuring of a syllable); practical notes on play teaching, what it is and how it can be applied in the classroom; from framework to syllables, Analysis of the texts adopted; presentation of the text for children Girotondo, Guerra editions.
Trainer: Dr.. Linuccio Pederzani
Common didactic paths: the switchboard’ of the Framework in the programming of ESI courses
29 January 2005, Amsterdam
Arguments: Presentation of the Common European Framework (Framework) for languages.
QCE-reference grid.pdf (8120 downloads )The implications of the Common European Framework in didactic planning; presentation of the text Network, Guerra editions.
Trainer: Dr.. Marco Mezzadri
ESI_A1.pdf (8126 downloads )To read the definition ESI A1 (© Copyright ESI 2006).
ESI_A2.pdf (8280 downloads )To read the definition ESI A2 (© Copyright ESI 2006).
Programming of ESI courses over the two days e’ A strategic vision was presented to improve the training offer of the courses.
11 September 2004, 2 October 2004, The hague
Arguments: Reflection on the role and function of the Italian School Body in the Netherlands: what projects for the future. What proposals for a common planning
They moderated the day: Catia Bossoni, Eros Capostagno, Ivan Kulis.
Strategic_vision_ESI.pdf (8348 downloads )To read the ESI strategic vision (© Copyright ESI 2006).
Acts_incontro_sett_04.pdf (8092 downloads )To read the proceedings of the meeting.
A communicative approach in teaching Italian as a foreign language
24 May 2003, Amsterdam
Arguments: Reflection on language teaching methods, Reflection on language teaching methods; theoretical aspects for a humanistic-affective teaching of Italian Ls; how to build an educational activity on the reconstruction of communication; communicative approach and teaching activities — how to motivate students to learn and communicate? With what materials and technological tools.
Trainer: Dr.. Giuseppe Ballero
Click here to read the proceedings of the seminar
The centrality of the student and the new role of the teacher
2 November 2003, The hague
Arguments: The centrality of the learner and didactic choices in the classroom: the transparency of the didactic objective, reflection on learning, feedback at the end of a lesson or a path, interaction between students, learning by discovery, resources in the classroom, how to offer the student choice, negotiation of the error, the contract with the students
Trainers: Dott.ssa Jolanda Caon, Dott.ssa Rita Arrived.
Click here to read the program of the day
Basic language skills: focus on oral and written production
19-23 January 2004, Perugia
The course is and’ carried out at l’ University for Foreigners of Perugia. Eight teachers from the ESI group participated in the seminar. Scientific director of the course: prof. to Anna Ciliberti.
Click here to read the course program.
Furthermore, in 1997 ESI had organized a training course for its teachers in the use of multimedia techniques in teaching Italian. Lo stage, lasting one week, was conducted with “tutors” of the soc. Italian DIDA.EL specially arrived from Milan.
Since 2002, ESI finances the Itals Master at the University Cà Foscari di Venezia. ESI teachers can access this funding.