The CEDILS is a certification of competence in teaching Italian as a foreign language or second language offered by’University’ That’ Foscari of Venice.
L’ESI is an affiliated facility abroad to take the exam. Registrations are open to all interested parties.

Data esame CEDILS: 13 May 2006, give her 9,30 – 14,30 At
l’IIC in Amsterdam Keizersgracht 564, 1017 EM Amsterdam

Method’ registration for outsiders (non-ESI):

  1. Fill in the modulo, indicating the date of 13 May and the venue (substitute any different dates on the form);
  2. Fax the form to: (+39) 041 2345708

Registration is open until: 30 April 2006

Subscription fee: 155 Euro

To be paid to the University’ of Ca’ Foscari (Venezia) at Banca Intesa Bci S.p.A. headquarters of San Marco Calle Goldoni Venice, on the bank account n. 221528/35 (CAB 02010.7 – HELP 03069) made out to the University of Ca’ Foscari of Venice, with the following reason for payment “Itals Laboratory – CEDILS 2006 (surname and name of the participant)”.

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Type of exam

The exam, lasting for 5 ore, can be taken in affiliated locations abroad and consists of a series of written tests of both a theoretical and practical nature:

theoretical part:
– a multiple choice questionnaire on general language teaching topics;
– open questions, comment of definitions etc..

practical part:
– teaching of material from newspapers, television, books, manual or Internet;
– analysis of didactic material; critical commentary on some class activities (exercises from manuals, transcripts or video recording of class activities, etc.).
– schematization of a phonological or morphosyntactic or sociolinguistic aspect of Italian

oral part:
– each candidate will also need to register or interview with an examiner 5 minutes indicating how he would respond in class to a student's question on a topic of Italian culture (everyday life, actuality, policy, habits, etc.) and on intercultural communication.

Among the texts used in the online course :

1. Marco Mezzadri: The tools of the trade, War edition, 2004.
2. Balboni, Common words from different cultures, Venezia, Marsilio, 1999.

The recommended bibliography is the following:

1. Balboni, Italian teaching for foreigners, Roma, Bonacci, 1994.
2. Balboni, Didactic techniques for language education, Torino, Utet 1998.
3. Sweets-Celentin, The basic training of the teacher of Italian for foreigners, Bonacci Publisher, Roma, 2003.
4. Porcelli-Sweets, Multimedia and language teaching, Torino, Utet 1999.
5. Serragiotto (the care of), Cedils. Certification in teaching Italian to foreigners, Roma, Bonacci, 2004.