LEIDEN – The Tales of the Maredijk”

“The Tales of the Maredijk” is a written processing project carried out by the IV elementary class of Leiden - at the Maredijk Center - with the help and supervision of the teacher Francesca Della Maggiora, and started in the school year 2019-20, where children have conceived and written fantastic stories giving free rein to their innate narrative creativity and collaborating together to outline both the protagonists and their adventures through a "serial" mode. This allowed each student to continue and enrich the stories in sequence.

This project has thus developed all the didactic areas of the language, from the lexicon to the orthographic and morphological aspects within a work frame, as already mentioned, creative and above all very funny. “The Tales of the Maredijk” are available by following this download:

Maredijk.pdf (9052 downloads )

OEGSTGEEST – Approach to literature and text analysis

During the school year 2019/2020, in the eighth grade class of Oegstgeest, a project was completed aimed at bringing children closer to literature and text analysis in an innovative and fun way, through the creation of an interactive game that stimulated the oral communication of the pupils who worked mainly in groups. Under the guidance of their teacher Simona, a group of students worked on the project in alternate lessons and for a short time at the end of the lesson, this is not the only teaching activity in the class. For this reason, the project lasted almost two school years.

The teacher conceived the project based on the Scratch software, which had been presented during one of the training courses periodically organized by theESI for their teachers.

The project was structured as follows:

  1. in class he read the book “Marcovaldo-The seasons in the city” by Italo Calvino;
  2. among the various stories, the boys chose the short story entitled “The children of Santa Claus”;
  3. the pupils analyzed the text and then divided it into different scenes;4) as a team they wrote and designed the screenplay for the various scenes, they also did a research on the historical period to understand what the architecture was, the clothes, cars, etc.;
  4. a brief introduction to the program followed and a class account was created to work with this software;
  5. the scenes were then divided into small groups and each pupil created the scenes assigned to him with Scratch; 
  6. a veracity check followed, the functionality and spelling / syntax of the various scenes;
  7. the result of the project was an interactive game called “The children of Santa Claus”. The game was tested by the pupils and the teacher and put online.

The complete project is visible at the link: Marcovaldo

Other class projects

News and pictures related to the courses can be viewed at this link.