In addition to the organization of Italian language courses, the ESI it promotes cultural initiatives of various kinds, aimed both at integrating the learning of the language and at allowing students a contact with the lively Italian cultural reality, than to ensure the best educational tools to their teachers.
The main areas of intervention are:
Within the courses, pupils are also encouraged to participate in specific projects:
- Educational projects – Elementary / Medium Courses
- Educational projectsi – Adult Courses
In past years, ESI had promoted other initiatives in favor of the community of Italian origin in the Netherlands, such as the organization of trips and short stays for students at schools in Italy and professional training at local specialized facilities. In the changed socio-economic and regulatory context, these initiatives, briefly illustrated here, are currently suspended.
Stays of cultural study in Italy
In 1998 l’ESI has organized three study stays in Italy for its students. In particular:
- a stay of 8 middle students of Den Haag in Rome, lasting one week, for joint educational activities with a school in the Prenestino district;
- a stay of 10 elementary students from Den Haag in Amelia (Terni), lasting for 10 days, for joint teaching activities with a local elementary school;
- a biweekly stay of 17 students of popular courses (of Rotterdam and Limburg) in Florence at a local Linguistic Institute, for in-depth study of the Italian language.
In 1999 l’ESI he organized a well stay 38 young pupils from Limburg at a school in Macerata, for carrying out common didactic activities.
Since 14 up to 21 April 2001,the ESIhe organized aliving room of 19 young pupils from Limburg in Riposto (Sicily), for an exchange of didactic experiences with the local “G. Cock".
Professional training
In 1998 and 1999 l‘ESI it carried out a financing program for professional training courses in the tourism sector, intended for young Italians in the Netherlands who need one (ri)professional qualification. The courses were held at a qualified professional school in the sector.