The CEDILS è una certificazione della competenza in didattica dell’italiano lingua straniera o lingua seconda offerta dall’Universita’ Ca’ Foscari di Venezia.
L’ESI is an affiliated facility abroad to take the exam. Registrations are open to all interested parties.

Data esame CEDILS: 13 May 2006, give her 9,30 – 14,30 At
l’IIC in Amsterdam Keizersgracht 564, 1017 EM Amsterdam

Modalita’ di iscrizione per gli esterni (non-ESI):

  1. Fill in the modulo, indicating the date of 13 May and the venue (substitute any different dates on the form);
  2. Fax the form to: (+39) 041 2345708

Registration is open until: 30 April 2006

Subscription fee: 155 Euro

Da versare all’Universita’ di Ca’ Foscari (Venezia) at Banca Intesa Bci S.p.A. headquarters of San Marco Calle Goldoni Venice, on the bank account n. 221528/35 (CAB 02010.7 – ABI 03069) intestato all’Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia, con la seguente causale di versamento “Laboratorio Itals – CEDILS 2006 (surname and name of the participant)”.

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Type of exam

The exam, lasting for 5 ore, can be taken in affiliated locations abroad and consists of a series of written tests of both a theoretical and practical nature:

theoretical part:
– un questionario a scelta multipla sui temi glottodidattici generali;
– domande aperte, comment of definitions etc..

practical part:
– didattizzazione di materiale tratto da giornali, television, books, manual or Internet;
– analisi di materiale didattico; critical commentary on some class activities (exercises from manuals, transcripts or video recording of class activities, etc.).
– schematizzazione di un aspetto fonologico o morfosintattico o sociolinguistico dell’italiano

oral part:
– ciascun candidato dovrà anche effettuare una registrazione o un colloquio con un esaminatore di 5 minutes indicating how he would respond in class to a student's question on a topic of Italian culture (everyday life, actuality, policy, habits, etc.) and on intercultural communication.

Among the texts used in the online course :

1. Marco Mezzadri: The tools of the trade, War edition, 2004.
2. Balboni, Common words from different cultures, Venezia, Marsilio, 1999.

The recommended bibliography is the following:

1. Balboni, Italian teaching for foreigners, Roma, Bonacci, 1994.
2. Balboni, Didactic techniques for language education, Torino, Utet 1998.
3. Sweets-Celentin, The basic training of the teacher of Italian for foreigners, Bonacci Publisher, Roma, 2003.
4. Porcelli-Sweets, Multimedia and language teaching, Torino, Utet 1999.
5. Serragiotto (the care of), Cedils. Certification in teaching Italian to foreigners, Roma, Bonacci, 2004.


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