Area Docenti

Linguistic reflections

(curated by Francesca Della Maggiora)

Drawing inspiration from Nature and in this case from the Seasons, by their colors and characteristics, mini didactic units can be created where children are led to reflect both from a linguistic and content point of view.
Nothing like describing an autumn landscape leads to different adjectives, rich in shades of meaning, thus ensuring lexical enrichment also thanks to the exercise of the search for synonyms and antonyms.
The seasons stimulate the memory of lived experiences, especially during winter celebrations or summer holidays and therefore to the written elaboration of such experiences, which can be personalized by specific questions on what may have particularly excited the pupil or not.
The seasons and the cycle of nature connected to them, draws to animals, to their rhythms of life and also to any research that the pupil can develop in parallel.
Everything starts, as usual, from reference texts, mostly rhyming poems, that amuse and stimulate memorization. This makes it possible for the pupil to elaborate other verses in the same style, training narrative spontaneity.
An autumn landscape, summer, in short, spring or winter, they are a source of strong inspiration, which involves the child a lot, leading him to observe the seasonal period that he himself is experiencing, anchoring it to its immediate present.
Regarding Grammar, as for any text, also these with the theme of the Seasons, they are precious resources to draw from them both lexical and targeted exercises, as already seen, than morphological.

Those proposed by me are just a few possible ones to be taken as a suggestion and guiding cue.






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